Law has been prevalent throughout the evolution of our society long before you and I ever existed in this world. Through the years and thousands of cases, whether they be crucial decisions or the most minuscule of disputes, there has been a constant evolution throughout the practice of law. This progression would be expected as societal shifts shaped the decisions that establish the precedence law professionals implement today.
However, within this progression, there is still a process that has remained somewhat stagnant, despite the technological era we are currently living in. Gathering evidence has long been one of the most tedious and expensive processes involved in cases. Wildly, there is a solution to these document gathering woes, and it goes by the name of eDiscovery. Embracing and implementing this technology can make your process more defensible overall, save money and time, as well as improve efficiency in every arena.
What is wrong with the old formalities of document review?
- Accounting firm KPMG estimates that first-level document review encompasses anywhere between 58 percent and 90 percent of total litigation costs.
- Studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that the error rate of document review can be 50 percent or higher.
Where is Data headed?

Referring to the above graphic created by the International Data Center, data will only continue to grow on a worldwide scale exponentially. With this growth every industry will continue its transition into further technological advancements. As it pertains to law, Cicayda is a leading eDiscovery provider and will continue to innovate as technology keeps progressing. Though eDiscovery is still heavily underused by some firms, it is a booming market that is making law more efficient and accurate.
What does Cicayda have to offer?
Our review platform, Reprise, enables you to search, organize and analyze your electronic documents faster than ever. The early case assessment feature is a much needed assistant that maps out your case and helps to gauge budgeting as well. Reprise’s review tool allows you to manage multiple attorney reviewers analyzing the documents all within one dashboard. Cicayda also offers a newly updated legal hold tool, Fermata, which allows protection and defensibility on the onset of litigation. These technologies are what is shaping law today and will be a prevalent force in the future. Join us on the track to further innovation and gain efficiency in every arena.