Work From Home Tips

Work From Home Tips

Unlike many organizations, most of the Cicayda Team typically operates as a remote community. We, as a team, are so very thankful for our ability to continue working and supporting the needs of our clients. It is important for us to point out that if this is your first time working from home, this is NOT normal. This quote has been floating around the internet over this quarantine period, and it’s very important to remember, “we aren’t working from home, we are working at home to try to survive a pandemic.” A lot of the typical WFH rules don’t hold true because we have kids at home, spouses trying to juggle work schedules, and emotions such as the loneliness that affects people that are used in person meetings and events. Accordingly, the Cicayda Team put together a list to help those who are adjusting to this new way of working.

  1. Make a schedule each day and try your best to stick to it.
  2. Put walks/breaks on your calendar to hold yourself accountable to move your body.
  3. Set “office hours”.
  4. Make sure you get out of the house a few times per week…even if right now, that just means spending time outside in your yard.
  5. Set up a designated desk space or office space if you can…it’s easier to focus than roaming around the house with your laptop.
  6. Zoom, zoom, zoom!
  7. Make sure you have a good ergonomic desk and chair setup as over time, you will feel the effects of sitting at the kitchen table.
  8. Get up early and get some hours in before the kids wake up.
  9. Set up your microphone for “push-to-talk”.
  10. Set some ground rules with people that are in your space now, inform everyone of what your call schedule will be for the day to avoid unexpected distractions.
  11. Be aware of your audio setting and camera background during Zoom meetings.
  12. Willpower – stay out of the snacks cupboard!
  13. Stay in touch with others face-to-face via zoom, skype, webex, etc.